When it comes to sending out emails to your list, it can sometimes feel like a minefield.

As you’re probably aware, there are many different companies out in the world today that provide email marketing services to help you navigate through that.

Popular Email Service Providers And What They Do

These include popular ones such as Active Campaign and ConvertKit which offer you two features in one that includes…

  • The Email interface (the dashboard)
  • The SMTP engine (the tech that sends out your emails using a server)

Additional softwares that have these services that you can explore include

  • Mailchimp
  • InfusionSoft
  • Active Campaign

What do these services have in common? Well, for one, they give you BOTH services.

But in return, you will be sacrificing these three things :

1. Most CRMs or Customer Relationship Management systems don't offer much more storage other than first and last name along with email addresses. Effective CRMs (like SalesProcess) allow you to capture more fields such as addresses, notes, and give you an effective follow-up process to broadcast to a specific list.

2. When you have a shared IP, there are multiple people and businesses (including really questionable marketers) on the same server. This would mean that if they are caught spamming and selling dubious products, and are blacklisted…you will suffer that

same fate.

3. With these services, you pay more as you get more people into your list… even if you email them sporadically or every single day. Fixed pricing is not a guarantee because they are unable to provide that.

Now, you have an idea of what these email engines do and how they can add to a business, here are some of the more popular and highly sought after ones:

  • Ontraport
  • Kartra
  • InfusionSoft

These are considered the big players as they are marketing softwares that provide both an email interface and SMTP engines. The plus point is that they include CRM features, as well.

All these services are obviously more expensive and far more complicated. One more thing? You definitely have to pay more for them. Another bummer? Your deliverability may be impacted if someone on the same server as you decides to act funny. Plus, the pricing is not exactly fixed.

True story : these incredibly pricy marketing automation tools have

some of the worst deliverability.

Why It Makes All The Difference

SalesProcess may well be your solution. Where the other services (like InfusionSoft) combine both email interface and SMTP; with SalesProcess, it’s all separated.

Here’s what we include:

  • Email Interface Examples include MailChimp, Hubspot, etc
  • CRM Examples include Zoho, Salesforce, etc

What sets us apart is that we've split the SMTP (the sending tech) from the email interface, which is what causes pricing differences because it has associated with hard costs with the various providers.

Having an email list is important for any business. At SalesProcess, we want you to have control over your most important business asset by giving you an unlimited account so that you don’t have to drain your whole savings (or get punished to scale) when you take us up on the offer.

With the software, you can build your own CRM and automation machine which is amazing because now you don’t have to pay for two separate things—you get them all in one! Plus all your data and lead efforts will stay organized so that you can instantly plug and play into any SMTP of your choice.

This means that you have all of your email lists and data under one roof so you can instantly have it plugged into an SMTP (Mailgun) that is proven to work.

Compared to other softwares like ClickFunnels Actionetics (at the $297/m plan), the difference between them and SalesProcess is that ours is more sturdy and offers multiple integrations ranging from appointment reminders to text, to email, and even social media messages.

Pricing And Comparisons With Infusionsoft

Having an apple to apple comparison for these softwares is tough because no two of them provide EXACTLY the same features that SalesProcess does.

Here’s what you can in SalesProcess through an automated workflow:

  • Call tracking
  • Website Building
  • Booking and appointments
  • CRM and pipeline management
  • SMS marketing

It's rare to find an email service provider software that packs a mean punch with these many features and functionality in one package. Take Infusionsoft for example. It is hella pricy and it doesn’t even separate out the tech delivery (SMTP) so you’re stuck with a lack of control.

You’ve heard me mention how important it is to have control over your email lists, and perhaps, you’re wondering… “Why?”

Let me sidetrack a bit and tell you a little story that illustrates this point perfectly.

There was a time when I had close to a million people on my list for AWeber but after committing a horrendously silly mistake (where I sent a blast to my gaming list instead

of my dating list)... let’s just say those leads were no longer mine to utilize.

Even though it’s hilarious to picture a thousand nerds getting dating advice, it was no laughing matter for me. I had directly jeopardized my leads and that was apparent when my account got suspended after it had been reported. As a result of that, all of my leads disappeared into thin air.

This is why, with SalesProcess, this comes in really handy because

these contacts will belong to YOU and no one else.

SalesProcess’ email marketing software is a one-stop shop for all of your lead generation needs. With text messages, Facebook messages, as well as advanced CRM features that give you a birds-eye view of all of your email leads, you’re in good hands. PLUS, we don’t aim to take away your control… in fact, this gives you more control over your email lists than ever before.

Now, let’s get to the part you’ve been waiting for.

The pricing.

Here’s the thing : people will often start price shopping when they realize they need an SMTP. Unfortunately, this can lead to frustrations especially when they realize they have to fork out extra cash for an additional service outside of SalesProcess.

The hard truth is… no successful business owner reached their first million by haggling over price differences. But if you’re still unsure…

We've done all the math for you!

Here’s the thing. There are two ways you can do this.

#1 : For $299 per month, you get 5,000 contacts and 25,000 emails on InfusionSoft that can be utilized on a monthly basis.

#2 : SalesProcess is worth $97/m, where you will get UNLIMITED contacts and you only have to pay a little bit extra when you make a broadcast through Mailgun.

With this, you are saving $202/m.

Picture this :

You'll be able to scale even higher than before and explode your reach and revenue. You will be able to increase your contacts and the best part is… SalesProcess will scale along WITH you. The price will still remain THE SAME…

… At $97/m no matter how far you scale.

Now, let’s move on to Infusionsoft.

Let’s say, you have been sending out hundreds of emails per month (that’s about 2-3 emails every day). Your Infusionsoft Team plan costs will be $499/m. You get 25,000 contacts and an allowance of 100,000 emails per month. If you want to push it up to 100k over contacts,

you’d have to call the sales team and they don’t even include it on their pricing page.

BUT, if you’re on the tamer side and send out only one email per week, you’ll be paying about $90-100 a month for Mailgun. What this means is that you are forking out money for what you use and keeping your leads even if you send out ZERO emails.

Just having 25,000 contacts would cost you $599 just to store those emails. But on SalesProcess, you’ll only be paying for what you use (and it’ll be $97/m if you have 100k contacts or

a 1 million).

I could go on and on with other softwares but are you picking up what I’m putting down?

You can have full control over your SMTP (which is leagues better) with SalesProcess.


In SalesProcess, you can hook up your SMTP to Mailgun and start building out your automation and CRM powerhouse.

Mailgun also provides a free plan. The catch? A limit that includes not being able to do a “reply to” in your emails.

The pricing of their plans is not based on list size but on how many emails you send.

You also get the inbound rerouting (the reply to) and bulletproof IPs, which are important for avoiding those dubious neighbors who might be destroying your deliverability with their

spammy ways.

I'm sure you've seen the cost of emailing and got a little scared, but what people don't realize is that when they get to a certain point in business and start sending THAT many emails EVERY DAY (or week), then that pricing will not even matter… because you’re raking in all that money.

Let’s be honest, you won't care about making the $90 deduction each month because you’ll be raking in more than that.


Now… onto the good news and the bad news.

When you sign up for an email service, one of the first things that come to mind is probably how long it will take you to set everything up.

I mean who has time right? Most "big guys" a.k.a the traditional providers know how complicated it can get for any ordinary Joe or Jane. So, they slide in and offer their services in hopes of removing those headaches from your end. But there's always a price to pay for that convenience… and that is your list will not be under YOUR control.

SalesProcess is all about giving you control, not taking it from your hands. The hard truth, though? You'll have to get your hands dirty for a bit in setting up your SMTP,

but don't worry -- we promise you that it will all be worth the effort.

Try it out today by upgrading to a yearly plan where we will take the burden

off your shoulders and help set it up for you :

==> www.salesprocess.com/plan

Back to the good news…

If you’re already on the yearly plan and want to maximize your experience with SalesProcess, be sure to click on the link below where my team will happily set up your SalesProcess Mail SMTP on SalesProcess… for FREE!

All you have to do is click on the link below:

==> www.salesprocess.com/mail

Now that you have an idea of what SMTPs and CRMs are,

it’s time to go out there and crush it!

Your #1 Fan,

SalesProcess™ by Peng Joon